Strategic formulation of industrial maintenance based on equipment reliability in a sugar and ethanol production plant

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Elias Tadeu da Silva
jorge alberto achcar
Claudio Luis Piratelli
صندلی اداری


Maintenance and management have substantial importance in the search of the company’s competitive advantages. In this direction, a reliability analysis of  equipments is very important for the definition of the most suitable maintenance strategy. The main goal of this paper is to assess the reliability-centered maintenance of the industrial reliability curve of a sugar cane department of an industry located in São Paulo State, Brazil. The proposed research method was based on the application of existing statistical modeling for the times between failures (TBF) of all reported equipment failures or the interruption times in the production line. These times were modeled by standard lifetime probability distributions as log-normal and Weibull distributions. The results showed that the company's strategy for preventive maintenance during the off-season is not adequate and the statistical analysis also identified important factors that affect the company's maintenance strategy. These results could be of great interest for the company and for engineering applications in general.


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