Responsiveness of millenial (generation Y) to social media recruitment campaigns: evidence from Pakistan

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Seema Chandani
Adnan Bashir
Afaq Kazi Ahmed


The utilization of social media has expanded rapidly in the 21st century; the majority of people use social media and social networking sites (SNSs) especially millennial “Generation Y” (born between 1980 to 1994 and now 26 to 40 years old). The purpose of the study is to observe the responsiveness of Millennial (Generation Y) to social media recruitment campaign in Pakistan. The research involves the dependent variable as recruitment and selection of generation Y and four independent variables as perceived costs, perceived risks, perceived opportunities, and perceived benefits. Survey sent to 150 respondents, out of which 106 being received. The data gathered was tested by using the SPSS for descriptive statistics, standard deviations, Correlation, regression analysis was done to check the relationship between dependent and independent variables. The results of the first objective revealed that the utilization of social networking in recruitment is inexpensive for many companies, the outcomes of the second variable indicated that when using social media, the human resource professionals gather consistent information for all candidates making fair and speedy hiring, to analyze the third objective, the outcomes have shown that there are numerous risks associated while using social networking sites and lastly when testing the fourth objective observed that various organizations don't have job portal page for  recruitment of Millennial (Generation Y) and majority candidates use LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter for job searching. The study concluded that appropriate utilization of social networking sites in recruitment and selection of Millennial (Generation Y) provides excess to more extensive pool of candidates, is cost effective, faster and practical for organizations. They take benefit by utilizing social networking sites for recruitment campaigns yet the quality and competency of candidates not compromised however the candidate’s information privacy risk need mitigation.


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