Factors determining the marketing strategies of construction firms: construction professionals' perspective

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Imoleayo Abraham Awodele
Adesoji Anthony Adegboyega
Onyinye Sofolahan
Abdullahi Adamu
Kenneth John Saidu
صندلی اداری


Construction firms are not dedicated to the comprehensive adoption of marketing concepts and strategy, and thus do not enjoy the benefits of profit maximization, client satisfaction and loyalty and improved overall organizational performance. The purpose of this paper is, to assess the perception of construction professionals regarding the factors influencing the choice of marketing strategies adopted by their construction firms. A questionnaire survey approach was used in the study. The questionnaires were administered to construction professionals within the study area, Frequency, Percentile, Mean item score and Kruskal-Wallis test were used to analyses the data collected. The study found that employees' competence, technical knowledge of the firm, macroeconomic environment, and innovation are the major factors that influence the choice of marketing strategy. It was concluded that a firm's employee's knowledge and competencies and technological innovation plays a critical role in the adoption of suitable marketing strategies in the construction industry. In addition, there is agreement among construction professionals regarding the factors influencing the choice of marketing strategies adopted by their firms. This study adds to the body of knowledge existing on marketing and marketing strategies in construction organizations in Nigeria.


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Author Biographies

Imoleayo Abraham Awodele, Federal University Of Technology Owerri


Adesoji Anthony Adegboyega, Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic Brinin Kebbi


Onyinye Sofolahan, Lagos State Polytechnic


Abdullahi Adamu, Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa


Kenneth John Saidu, Federal University of Technology Minna



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