Hierarchization of the decision-making process according to the economic sector

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Hamilton Pozo
Takeshy Tachizawa
Getulio Kazue Akabane


The objective is to delineate a hierarchical model of decisions and respective management indicators. In an everyday universe of events that occur, if considers a purpose of the organization can face a hierarchy of decisions, from major strategic to minor ones. Such a finding, if delineated as a model, it can be useful in the study of decision-making process. For this analysis was adopted a multiple case study method applied in commercial, industrial and service organization. Afterwards was maximized with a differentiated sample of managers selection to be interviewed according to the organizational pyramid hierarchical rank as structured bases; meetings with key opinion groups; available preliminary data collection directly from the websites. As a result, a hierarchical decision model was obtained, differentiated according to the acting economic segment.


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