Evaluation of occupational safety conditions in a waste plastic recycling plant in Brazil

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Bruna Borges Soares
Lucas Farias de Sousa
Mariana Aguiar dos Santos


The adequacy of working conditions to safety standards has a fundamental importance in the company's environment. The efficient implementation of an Occupational Health and Safety Management System allows the reduction of risks associated with accidents; reduce costs to the employer and a strong ally in the competitive market when the safety indicator is a decisive factor in the choice of suppliers. The aim of this study was to evaluate occupational safety and health (OSH) practices at work in a plastic recycling plant located in northeastern Brazil, as well as to identify opportunities for improvement. Data collection was carried out from on-site visits and control measures were proposed for the risk factors identified. The evaluation made it possible to identify that the recycling activity is characterized by several occupational hazards, which are aggravated by inadequate working conditions. The non-conformity of jobs, the use of obsolete equipment and the lack of specific training to perform certain functions were identified as the most relevant aspects. For these, opportunities for improvement and adequation were connected. The study results can help other companies that perform the same activities to improve their performance in OSH based on the points of improvement presented.


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Author Biographies

Bruna Borges Soares, Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia, Brazil

Possui em Engenharia Ambiental com mestrado em Ciências Ambientais pela Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia - UESB (2015), especialização em Engenharia de Segurança do Trabalho pela Faculdade de Guanambi (2016) e Mineração e Meio Ambiente pela Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia. Atualmente é professora titular do Centro de Capacitação em Tecnociência e Inovação da Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia (UFSB), atuando principalmente na área de Gestão Ambiental.

Mariana Aguiar dos Santos, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, Brazil





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