Sustainability, globalization, culture and work
Main Article Content
This paper discusses the development process and the influence of globalization on culture and behavior of society seen on reflexes in the consumer market and how they participate or interfere in sustainability. Whereas globalization as a process of interaction between people in general originated in trade and political relations, reflections on the culture and behavior of society are inevitable from the point of view of consumption of products that are offered for new consumers in these markets that are in the process of globalization. Considering this necessity, it is important to consider the sustainable use of resources and by-products. This article is a reflection on sustainability, globalization, culture and work, and can be summarized in: a) identifying the consequences of globalization on employment from the use of technology, b) the consequences of globalization on culture are positive or negative for both involved, c) benefits globalization and society have with new, better and cheaper products to meet the population needs and d) how sustainability is in this consuming-producing context.
Article Details
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