Effectiveness of organizational mission of the public security secretaries of the Brazilian States
Main Article Content
The organizational mission is an important tool to support the management of an organization. This article aims to analyze the elaboration of the organizational missions of the Secretariats of Public Security (SSPs) of the Brazilian states, based on the elements proposed by Pearce (1982) and Pearce and David (1987). For this, the data were treated quantitatively, and soon after an analysis was made on the effectiveness of the construction of the missions, based on the criteria established by the cited authors. As a result, the elements "Product or service offered" and "Audience" were found more frequently. In the comparative analysis of the SSP mission by region of the country, two points stand out: first, the South region is the one that the missions present more elements indicated in the literature; second that the state that presented more elements was "Maranhão" located in the Northeast region.
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