Fernando Oliveira de Araujo

Universidade Federal Fluminense



Edmarson Barcelar Mota

Fundação Getulio Vargas



Luana Hoffmann de Assis

Universidade Federal Fluminense



Submission: 08/04/2015

Revision: 22/04/2015

Accept: 01/05/2015



This article presents the case of implementation of the licensed landfill CTR Nova Iguaçu (the first initiative all around the world certified by the Clean Development Mechanism CDM, from Kyoto Treaty), providing an analysis of the practices of management of stakeholders adopted with the neighboring communities surrounding the enterprise. Besides the local investigation at the enterprise concerned, the study is supported by technical-scientific literature, highlighting the themes of stakeholder’s management, change management, and processes of project management, based on the PMI’s 5th Ed PMBoK view. As conclusions, it is seen, in the situation displayed, that actions of identification, planning and monitoring of the stakeholders were crucial to the initiative success, under the economical perspective and concerning corporative image.

Keywords: Management of stakeholders; High complexity projects; Landfill implementation; CTR Nova Iguaçu


            More intensively from the UN Conference on Environment and Development, held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 (also known as Rio Summit, Rio Conference, or Earth Summit). Concerns about climatic changes resulting mainly from the impact of human activities in the environment have been seen by the National States, supranational, non-governmental organizations, and even by private companies as a central issue to be dealt with.

            One of the main results of the Earth Summit of 1992 was the proposition of Agenda 21 (A21) a document that establishes how important it is that every country commits to and reflects about how they can contribute with solutions for the social-environmental problems.

            Five years after the Conference of Rio de Janeiro, a Special Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations was held in New York, USA, intended to review the five first years of Agenda 21. That meeting identified the main difficulties related to implementing the proposals of the A21, prioritizing the actions to be adopted in the following years, and established the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) having the objective of reaffirming the signatory countries’ commitment to stabilizing the concentration of greenhouse gas (GHG) in the atmosphere.

            Among the main spin-offs of UNFCCC, meetings denominated Conferences of the Parties (COPs) which must be held at least once a year among the participating countries were provided for. At the third COP, in 1997, in Japan, the Kyoto Treaty was signed.

            According to Segreti and Bito (2005), the Kyoto Treaty was set between 186 countries of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) divided into two large groups (Annex I Countries industrialized countries and great carbon dioxide emitters, and Non-Annex I Countries developing countries). The Treaty concerned represents the first international target plan to reduce global GHG emission. The main goal of this Treaty was to achieve a reduction of 5.2% in gas emission by 2012.

            The Treaty establishes three economical mechanisms of flexibilitywhich are able to foment that the countries of Annex I comply with the requirements of carbon emission reduction outside their territories. Two of these mechanisms are only about the Annex I countries and they refer to Joint Implementation and Emission Trading. As for the third mechanism, called Clean Development Mechanism CDM, the result of a Brazilian proposal to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

            CDM consists of the possibility of a country that is committed to emission reduction (Annex I Countries) to acquire Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) generated by projects deployed in developing countries (Non-Annex I Countries), as a form of complying with some part of their obligations quantified in the realm of the Kyoto Treaty. The idea consists in that a particular project, when being implemented, provides an environmental benefit (GHG emission reduction or CO2 removal) in the form of a negotiable financial asset: CER. Such projects must imply reductions of additional emissions that take place in the absence of the project registered as CDM, assuring real, measurable and long term benefits for mitigation of the global climate change (MCT, 2009; SISTER, 2007).

            According to Guedes and Ribeiro (2011), among the projects that join CDM recommendations, having a strong potential to generate CERs, are licensed landfills which are engineering work that must be led to achieve four main goals:

·      Reduction of pollution risks caused by smells, fires, insects;

·      Future use of the available land through a good compaction and covering;

·      Minimization of  water pollution problems caused by lixiviation, and;

·      Control of the emission of gases (released during degradation processes). 

            Figure 1 illustrates the operational process of a licensed landfill.

Sem título

Figure 1: Operations of a licensed landfill

Source: CTR Nova Iguaçu, 2010

            This paper investigates the case of CTR Nova Iguaçu licensed landfill project implementation, located in Santa Rita district, municipality of Nova Iguaçu, in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro, analyzing how relevant the identification, alignment and monitoring of the stakeholders is for the initiative success.

1.1.       Delimitation of the problem situation

            Despite the licensed landfills’ undeniable benefits concerning generation of CERs Certified Emission Reductions, joining CDM recommendations, it is relevant that the negative aspects resulting from the implementation of such an enterprise, especially to surrounding communities are also considered.

            Concerning that, it is important to consider that the reality around such enterprises is often dramatically impacted by the rage of its operations. In particular, concerning the case of CTR Nova Iguaçu, it is pointed out that the company is located on one of the main ways of access to the rural area of the municipality of Nova Iguaçu. That intensifies considerably the traffic of garbage trucks on the road that links the municipality center to areas of environmental protection (APA Gericinó-Mendanha) and biological reserve (of Tinguá).

            This intensification of trucks on central roads has intensified traffic in the region, increasing sound pollution (the trucks run on the road at high speed 24 hours a day) and air pollution (very strong smell), deteriorating the local structure (destroyed asphalt, holes on the road and leachate in the streets and roads), and increasing the number of insects and rodents in the region. Figure 2 illustrates the location of CTR Nova Iguaçu.

Figure 2: Location of CTR Nova Iguaçu


            In this sense, it is seen that the development of actions articulated and structured through an effective management of stakeholders (such as communities, companies, government, and other institutions nearby) represents factors that are critical to the success of the enterprise CTR Nova Iguaçu.

            This study examines the externalities and challenges from the process of implementing a certified landfill (CTR Nova Iguaçu), especially with regard to the management of stakeholders, particularly the communities located in the surrounding the enterprise.

1.2.       Problem questions

·      Can the adherence of the good practices in the 5th edition of the PMBoK (PMI, 2012) related to the management of stakeholders to the licensed sanitary landfills be seen?

·      To which extent does the management of stakeholders contribute to the reduction of risks of implementation and operation of enterprises whose stakeholders feature belligerent needs and expectations, such as in the case of licensed landfill?

·      Which are the main learned lessons concerning the management of stakeholders resulting from the analysis of the case of CTR Nova Iguaçu?

1.3.       The study relevance

            This study presents itself as relevant as it discusses a thematic considered central to the implementation of high complexity projects: management of stakeholders. Additionally the research extrapolates the theoretical perspective, analyzing a real case of a licensed landfill, pointing out the relevance of the implementation of stakeholder management processes, inspired in the recommendations of PMI (2012) in order to make such enterprise implementation and maintenance viable.

1.4.       Methodological procedures

            As shown in the Figure 3, this study is divided into two sides: the one theoretical and the other empirical. On the theoretical side, the themes of stakeholders, processes management, and change management are discussed. In empirical terms, the case of CTR Nova Iguaçu was analyzed locally, evidencing this enterprise’s efforts to identify, plan management, implementation management, and control the engagement of different stakeholders.

Figure 3: Research Organization

Source: apud Araujo, 2011


2.1.       Stakeholders and project management processes

            According to the PMBoK (PMI, 2012), the word stakeholder is associated with the collective of the parties involved or affected in a project. The concept is broad, but its depth and pertinence in a project are outstanding, since the identification, categorization and definition of management practices specific to each of the stakeholders can differ a successful project from a failed one.

            According to the intensification of a project complexity, that is, the bigger the number of variables or dimensions involved (i.e. people, organizations, tasks, interests, and others), the more difficult its management becomes, and that is regardless the technical, technological or scientific challenges involved, which represent the uncertainty aspect.

            Still according to PMBoK (PMI, 2012), the management of stakeholders of the projects involves the identification and classification of processes of its interests and possible forms of action, manifested or not, followed by a plan to deal with these aspects seen and documented or agreed by the team, with the monitoring and control of the actions as the project unfolds, doing the necessary adjustments and alignments to the management plan. Very often, such adjustments or changes arise as a result of the change in the project scope, premises and restrictions, financial or time aspects, and risks.

            Bourne (2009: 4) defines success in managing relationship with the stakeholders through the commitment along the project cycle to the following processes:

·      Identification of the stakeholders;

·      Understanding of their expectations;

·      Management of these expectations;

·      Monitoring of the effectiveness of the actions for engaging the stakeholders;

·      Ongoing review of the perception of the potential community of stakeholders.

            The stakeholder's attitude and how to deal with this important aspect represents a central element in terms of good practices in project. Bourne (2009: 95-96) relates three associated dimensions: emotional (mental or sentimental state); view before life, and; the result associated with perceptions, learnings and experiences. The basic elements that shape an attitude can be classified in the four dimensions: culture (of the organizations involved); identification with the activities and their results (personal values and identification with the purposes of the activities); importance seen in the activities and their results, besides personal characteristics (personality and position in the organization).

            According to Hiatt and Creasey (2003), some principles are essential and they should be used as references to deal with stakeholders and with projects where the change management aspect is more relevant and almost all the medium and large sized projects feature these characteristics. The principles pointed out by the authors are:

·      The right answer is not enough.

·      Change is a process.

·      Consider the profile and needs to adjust the processes of transmission and reception of communication.

·      Take into consideration the status quo and the processes of resistance.

·      Notice and act considering also the organization’s system of values and culture, but keeping focus on the project objectives.

·      Perception of the meaning and most appropriate forms for actions in the incremental changes and in the radical changes the strategies are different.

·      Change requires action by the authorityand leaders.

2.2.       Stakeholders and the change management

            The change management is another indispensable aspect and where the management of stakeholders shows great affinity and synergy. In a great part of the projects developed over the second decade of the 21st century, expected to be more intensive in the future, the projects will have implications in the environment where they will be used and they will need to deal with the behavioral and social dimensions of the change, and that has a lot to do with behavior and communication.

            PROSCI Inc. is an organization dedicated to researches and benchmarking in management of the change and related benchmarking processes. Among experts in project management, it is considered the most prestigious institution in this thematic and its reports are considered the most reputable qualitative source for understanding and making decisions in the contexts of project management regarding changesand relationship with stakeholders.

            PROSCI report (PROSCI INC, 2012: 9) points out that projects with an excellent change and management of stakeholders have about six times more possibilities of meeting or exceeding the project expectations and goals”.

            It is also convenient to point out from PROSCI report (PROSCI INC, 2012: 22) two essential aspects that are at the top of the list of recommendations that experienced project managers declare:

·      Always communicate, and as much as possible.

·      Get involved in the basic view aspects of the project and strategic people (main stakeholders).

            In this context, the importance of related aspects and behavioral aspects along with these important stakeholders are noted, as their interference transcends technical or managerial aspects in the project which are very important, but not the only ones to be considered.

            The literature that correlates the management of stakeholders and change management is still recent and incipient. However, it is pointed out that, more intensively from 2011, some techniques and tools to improve the way of dealing with such dimensions have been proposed. PMI Project Management Institute and IPMA International Project Management Association have put more and more emphasis on the management of stakeholders. The PMBOK version of 2012 presents a new knowledge area in project management management of stakeholders in project (PMI, 2012).

            In their work, Hiatt and Creasey (2003: 2-3) reproduce the lamentation of managers about how they could have dealt with some of the relevant stakeholders in their projects:

·      I should have communicated better.

·      Next time I will involve more people.

·      If the board of directors had got more involved and with more public amplitude in their performance, it would have probably been better.

·      I had little support or was even sabotaged by managers who felt threatened by the project, due to the lack of proper understanding.

            The PMBoK (PMI, 2012: 17) explains the three large groups of competences that the project manager must have, so that one of them is the personal competence, which incorporates competences of relationship and behavior, also highlighting the ones that are considered the main ones:

·      Lead.

·      Create and manage teams.

·      Motivate.

·      Communicate efficiently.

·      Influence.

·      Make decisions.

·      Notice political and cultural contexts.

·      Be a good negotiator.

·      Be trustworthy.

·      Manage conflicts.

·      Be a coach.

            Other additional competences may be necessary depending on the type of project, the organization’s nature and complexity, as well as aspects of its culture.

            As it is possible to see the behavioral and communication aspects that should be developed more widely in the managers, especially in the ones who hold positions of more relevance or responsibility are essential to the success of the projects.

2.3.       Management of the change and projects: structural and human aspects

            The management of the change is an inevitable demand in certain types of projects, whether it is due to dealing with a new technology, its learning process and peculiarities, or to the structural, social and emotional impacts, in addition to other possibilities.

            When dealing with medium, large or mega projects, the possibilities of demand for managing the changes increase in the context of the project itself as well as in its dimensions of extension or application to the stakeholders who are more directly involved in its use and application.

            Whereas change refers to how to move, migrate, to the future state, the change management represents the process support, backup and help in the technical, behavioral, social and emotional dimensions to those who are directly involved in the process or to the ones who will be impacted and very often still do not have the perspective of a more distended horizon.

            The difference between change and change management may be understood as follows: the changes in the organizations or impacted groups will create new future states. In order to achieve these future states, the collaborators and the ones involved must perform their tasks in a different way. The success of the future state is directly associated with the individuals or groups’ success in achieving their own future states. The change management represents, in this context, a structured and intentional way of helping and facilitating everyone involved to adopt the changes required by the project.

            Intellectual preparation must not be confused with emotional promptness (CONNER, 1995: 19). For this reason, the emotional side of the change management is one of the most important and most attention requiring factors.

            To Conner (1995) some other aspects must be considered in change management:

·      Micro-changes: changes in the individual sphere.

·      Organizational changes: the organization members need to change.

·      Macro-changes: everyone must change.

·      Binary change (either it is or it is not) versus analog change (continuous): the changes, in human terms, take place in a continuum and not abruptly.

·      The “pain” of the present state exceeds the price of the transition state.

·      A great part of our problem with organizational changes that occur in projects, especially the bigger ones, is that we do not communicate adequately to the people the impact that these decisions will have on them at the personal level.

            Cameron (2009: 13) recommends four approaches to deal with the human dimension of change management: behavioral, cognitive, psychodynamic and humanistic psychological. Figure 4 illustrates these approaches to the individual change.

Figure 4: Four approaches to individual change

Souce: Cameron, 2009



            Also according to Cameron (2009) the four approaches mentioned may be summarized in its scope and applications as presented in Chart 1:

Chart 1: The Psychodynamic, Behavioral, Cognitive and Humanistic Psychological approaches





Humanistic Psychological

Regarding what is behind the behavior





Regarding the behavior manifested, trying new things





Acknowledgment of the importance of make sense, resistance





Use of imagination and creativity





Use on groups and on individuals





Emphasis on the person as a whole





Emphasis on satisfaction, appreciation, and individualization





Adoption of medical models of mental diseases





Feeling of the person’s experience as an important instrument to the change





Mechanistic approach to the client





Open to new paradigms of patterns of research





Source: Cameron, 2009

            The organizations work according to a set of processes, beliefs and policies that characterize their culture. In the realm of project management, associating the human dimension and elements of the change management, Cameron (2009: 109) proposes a chart (Chart 02) that correlates some of the patterns or approaches available with four usual metaphors in understanding the aspects of organizational culture and management.

Chart 2: Patterns of Change Management and Metaphors associated

Patterns or Approaches


Political System


Flow and Transformation

Lewin (pattern of three steps)





Bullock & Batten (planned change)





Kotter (eight steps)





Backhard & Harris (Formula of change)





Nadler & Tushman (congruent pattern)





William Bridges (transition management)





Senge (systemic pattern)





Stacey & Shaw (complex processes of response)





Source: Cameron, 2009

            As evidenced, in projects that cause or have a potential to generate changes it is necessary to take into consideration the change management aspect when designing its scope and along its implementation. The literature contemplates relevant and applicable signalizations so that project and organizational managers acknowledge and deal appropriately with both the technical issues and the human dimension.


            The CTR Nova Iguaçu is an enterprise inaugurated in 2003 through investments of Grupo S.A. Paulista and the consortium Nova Gerar, with incentives from the municipal authority, to replace the extinct dump site of the city (Lixão da Marambaia), where about 100 waste collectors used to work in unhealthy conditions. 

            The operations of CTR Nova Iguaçu are licensed at the local (Secretary for Environment of Nova Iguaçu), state (FEEMA), and federal (IBAMA and INEA) levels, being assertively monitored by the Public Prosecutor’s Office (Ministério Público in Portuguese) of Rio de Janeiro. The enterprise is able to perform reception, treatment and final destination of urban and industrial solid waste, from healthcare service and from rubbles out of building construction (CATALÃO and ARAUJO, 2010).

            The landfill takes an area of 1.2 million m² and has the capacity for 30 years of operation. At the planning of its construction, besides the pipeline network for leachate and gas catchment, the impermeabilization of the location was provided for in order to avoid the soil contamination. That was done with successive layers of clay and a polyethylene sheet of high density. The possibility of an inadequate spill to the soil is very small. At the unit, the biomedical waste is forwarded directly to treatment in a specific unit (CATALÃO and ARAUJO, 2010).

            The most relevant project developed by CTR Nova Iguaçu is Novagerar, responsible for the production of 3,000m³ of biogas/hour. The project Novagerar was the first enterprise in the world to be officially registered as a project of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Treaty. The registration was done at the Executive Board of the United Nations at the Committee for the Clean Development Mechanism on November 18th, 2004, at the CDM’s headquarters in Bonn, Germany (CATALÃO; ARAUJO, 2010; GUEDES; RIBEIRO, 2011).

            According to Guedes and Ribeiro (2011), the company’s goal is to elevate biogas production average to 14,000m³/hour by the year 2022, generating 10 megawatts of energy enough to illuminate public roads and buildings of a city with one million inhabitants, such as Nova Iguaçu, with an additional advantage: according to the Kyoto Treaty, greenhouse gases (GHGs) which are not launched into the atmosphere are worth carbon certificates. That is, following the procedures of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), the enterprise can also negotiate these carbon credits with international organizations, contributing to leverage the financial dimension and the population’s life quality.

            Despite the enterprise widespread benefits to the environment, the society in general, and the stockholders, through contracts with companies and local governments, besides the trading of CERs Certified Emission Reductions in the carbon market, there is the situation that, especially to the residents of the surrounding communities, such enterprises also bring complex harms with them.

            As reported, since the beginning of the project implementation, in 2003, there was an expressive raise in the traffic of trucks on the highway that provides access to the CTR Nova Iguaçu, 24 hours a day, besides the smell from decomposition of solid residues, the proliferation of insects and rodents, with direct impacts on life quality in the region and devaluation of real estates.

3.1.       Management of stakeholders practices as absorbers for the pressure on the enterprise

            According to Araujo & Nepomuceno (2013), Baixada Fluminense is a region integrated by 13 municipalities (Figure 5). In particular, the city of Nova Iguaçu is bordered by Miguel Pereira (North); Duque de Caxias (Northeast); Japeri (Northwest); Rio de Janeiro (South); Mesquita (Southeast); Seropédica (Southwest); besides Belford Roxo (East) and Queimados (West).

Baixada Fluminense

Figure 5: Municipalities Constituting Baixada Fluminense

Source: Portal Caxias Digital, 2012

            According to information from its City Hall, Nova Iguaçu is the largest municipality of Baixada Fluminense in terms of territorial area, with 524.04km², (it corresponds to 11.1% of the Metropolitan Area), and the second largest in population, estimated in 831 thousand residents by IBGE (2000). It has a high demographic density, 1,449.60 residents/km² although inferior to the state average, which is 2,328.08 residents/km².

            Oliveira (2005) wrote:

Baixada Fluminense is the expression, the result, the materialization of a metropolis that reproduced itself segregating. Our short history is about a region that accelerated its population densification from the 1950s with the country's industrialization process. People were expelled from the economical dynamic center [...] to the new urban allotments with no infrastructure, which appeared in the few municipalities in the region of Baixada Fluminense. And people went on living in that way, building their small houses, opening their stallsto improve their budget and working in the capital city of the State or, until 1975, in the City-State Guanabara. Then the old jargon: the cities of Baixada are dormitory cities (OLIVEIRA, 2005).

            In its process of territorial constitution, the municipality of Nova Iguaçu featured important asymmetries: on one side the domain of great rural owners, in particular during the coffee and orange growing periods; and on the other, a group of residents that, finding themselves jettisoned from the best opportunities in their city, sought job and occupation in the city of Rio de Janeiro, initiating the pendulous flow that is still seen.

            In this complex and multifaceted context, the community-based movements, with strong support from missions of the Catholic Church, began to get strong in the municipality, making vindications towards promoting a more balanced socioeconomic development, investments in educational, health and sanitation infrastructure, besides efforts against the violence in the extermination groups’ actions.

            In particular, the administrative region of Vila de Cava, where CTR Nova Iguaçu is located, is a location where the popular movements are extremely articulated, with important historic struggles and achievements, such as the implementation of the Unit Nova Iguaçu of CEFET/RJ (Federal Centre of Technological Education of Rio de Janeiro), in addition to obtain public investments in the area of urban mobility.

            Acknowledging the strength of the social movements, especially the residents’ associations of nearby neighborhoods and the MAB Movimento Amigos do Bairro (Friends of Neighborhood Movement, an important community organization that has an emblematic activity throughout Baixada Fluminense), as soon as it obtained the operative permits, the CTR Nova Iguaçu made efforts to identify, plan the management and implement the management and control the engagement of the different stakeholders. In this context, it sought to engage those stakeholders in the project, providing for social actions focusing on actions of environmental education.

            Seen by the movements of the civil society as an organization that has a big financial power, the CTR Nova Iguaçu faced a series of interpellations and requests that ranged from grants to the community to jobs, and even pavementing of public roads.

            With the increased pressure from residents’ associations and from MAB, the company’s strategic summit understood as necessary to find ways of reducing the community’s pleas in order to have more focus on the consolidation of operations e investments in the Novagerar project, of carbon credits.

            In this context, the company’s Department of Communication, which comprehends subjects of marketing, public relations and social responsibility was delegated to seek a solution for the issue displayed. The solution found was to find a professional with the following competences:

·      Know the location community environment;

·      Have a consolidated leadership profile before the community;

·      Be an excellent communicator;

·      Have an articulated network of contacts to facilitate the capture of demands from the community and for the manifestations of the company’s support possibilities.

·      See the opportunities to establish synergies for developing social and solidarity projects with positive repercussion to the company’s image.

·      Know practices and techniques of project management.

            After mapping the list of necessary competences, the company went to the field to try to find and co-opt that professional. Based on the observations and analysis of the community’s own speech, it was identified that the target professional of CTR Nova Iguaçu was the president of a nearby residents’ association. Youth, ability for articulation and a long history of actions and vindications for the sake of the community were added to the required profile.

            With that professional sensitization and recruitment for the Communication Department, the CTR Nova Iguaçu experiences a radical change in the relationship with the nearby stakeholders: from harmful entrant, the community then sees the company as a partner, making investment in structured social actions with residents’ associations.

            Programs for training guides to foment ecological tourism in the ecological reserves and environmental protection areas in the region were proposed and developed; an annual fund to support local initiatives to implement environmental actions was created; a formal channel of complaints and suggestions was established; in addition to encouraging self-managing enterprises intended to generate jobs and income for the residents.

            In this context, it is seen that the actions of CTR Nova Iguaçu related to the management of stakeholders, composed by processes of identification, the management planning, the management implementation and the control of the engagement of the different stakeholders have been successfully implemented, contributing to the enterprise periodic alignment with the project stakeholders’ concerns and expectations.


            Although having its implementation started long before the 5th edition of the PMBoK (PMI, 2012) was published, from the analysis of the CTR Nova Iguaçu case, one can see that the company concerned has adopted from the first years of its operation the processes currently associated with the management of stakeholders in projects.

            From what has been exposed, it is seen that the success in implementing the management of stakeholders, especially the residents of the communities around the enterprise, represents a key success factor to the project, reducing the risk of interventions, campaigns for the operation cancellation and protests against the company.

            In this interim the co-option and recruitment of a professional with cultural, interpersonal, relational, technical, and political skills stands out as a good practice. From his engagement in the company, considering his experience with the base community movements, the company reduced the criticism and its perception as a social entity contributing to the region development was increased.

            As suggestions for new studies, the observation of other emblematic cases in which the management of stakeholders is revealed as a critical factor to the project success, so to contribute to establish comparative analyses and observation of generalizable good practices are recommended.


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