Cristiane Alves Anacleto
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil
Crishna Irion
Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações (INATEL),
Edson Pacheco Paladini
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil
Submission: 05/12/2013
Revision: 20/12/2013
Accept: 20/01/2014
This work aims to propose an
action plan for the conduct of cultural change in the IT department of a
company in the telecommunications industry. Technical procedures used were the
case study and literature review. The action plan contains of five steps:
analysis of the company's strategic planning, cultural diagnosis of the IT
department, brainstorming with the staff and managers, compared to the case
studies surveyed and proposed actions for the conduct of cultural change. We
conclude that a receptive environment, employees not only understand why the
changes are necessary, but engage with the process and faithfully executes the
steps required, favoring the strategic positioning of the company.
telecommunications industry is characterized by an environment of innovative
and dynamic businesses in relation to technological change. As technology
advances, the work environment must also adapt to new ways of working and innovative
rhythm imposed by the changes.
a disruption of posture and behavior of employees with respect to projects and
new leadership styles that are imposed occurs. Moreover, competition is fierce
in this industry, making it difficult to retain talent in the companies of this
sector. These questions aligned to rapidly changing technologies that suffer
permeate an environment of instability within the companies of this sector.
Processes change rapidly, the final deliveries as well, and where we are the guidelines?
Sometimes it should be adapted at other times must be set aside.
in the telecommunications sector are heavily dependent on information
technology (IT) to facilitate the services offered by them technology. The
computer or information technology can be conceptualized as technological and
computational resources to guard, generation and use of information and
knowledge (REZENDE; ABREU, 2000). The use of IT in the company is/should be
associated with the strategic and operational needs of the organization.
to the need of decision making and execution of competitive strategy with a
lower error rate, managers increasingly seek accurate, complete and relevant
information. The use of IT has this important role, as a useful tool for managers
to define and implement their strategies. IT must support the strategies and
business processes and the organizational structure and culture of a company to
increase business value in a dynamic environment (O’BRIEN, 2000).
as IT departments of companies in the telecommunications sector react towards
the need for organizational change? Because of its strategic importance in the
context of these organizations, an IT department must rely on a system of
continuous improvement in management. The UK companies understand that your
most valuable tool in terms of survival, growth and adaptation to changes in
the external environment is the development and employee commitment (BROADHURST,
2012). In business, people deal with people and companies can only work if
employees are engaged with the ideas of the company and to support autonomy and
program plans.
on these, this paper aims to propose an action plan for the conduct of cultural
change in the IT department of a company in the telecommunications industry.
The research problem that led to the construction of this paper came from the
context in which the company lives: cultural instability at a critical and
strategic department for the company's operations (SCHMIEDEL, et al., 2014).
The instability is the result of an earlier period characterized by constant
changes in management.
achieve the proposed exploratory objective, the technical procedures used were:
a case study in order to identify the peculiarities of the organizational
culture and literature review to identify success stories in companies that
conducted a process of cultural change. The following techniques were used for
data collection in the case study: participant observation to identify the
aggravating factors of cultural management and the needs of changes in people
management; unstructured interview with the staff of the human resources (HR)
and document analysis in which elements of strategic planning were removed. The
nature of this research is characterized as applied. Following the reviewed
literature is presented.
this section the concepts that supported the case analysis and structuring of
the action plan are presented. The theoretical pillars of conducting the
research were: organizational change, participatory management, people
management and cultural change.
The requirements for a company to
achieve adaptation to changes underlie the paths that lead to innovations in
various fields, in particular organizational and social field (DAVIES, et a.,
2000). Organizational development partner seems to be the key to those
enterprises may face internal and external requirements.
To achieve and improve business
performance is necessary to understand its elements that business performance
is realistic, sustainable and able to provide continuous improvement. One
alternative is to provide corrective actions aligned to organizational change
as an enabler to support business outcomes (JENSEN et al., 2012).
Organizational change is necessary for organizations to survive and prosper. In
fact, most of the organizations are responsible for the change continuously (BURKE,
Organizational change (OC) is an
initiative undertaken by businesses seeking tailors its operations in accordance
with the market demand. To accomplish this process of organizational
improvement, OC depends on many factors to get the expected result, among
these, systematic support for the development of the initiative and the
management of critical success factors (CSFs) (CAPELLI, 2009).
The complexity of a OC may worsen in
entities that are characterized by political interference in its activities,
periodic exchanges of mandate, complexity in measuring gains of products and
services, among others (CAPELLI, 2009).
The characteristics of a company
that influence organizational change are: nature of company operations, a
follow-up initiative and expected results of OC. Accordingly, the best way to
monitor the OC is strategically analyze the interests of senior management in
making the change. The gains from an OC: cost reduction, investment in tools to
improve processes, reduce the time to complete activities and expansion of
operations of the activity end.
Change Management initiatives can
more effectively address both social and technical needs related to Change
Announcements and Change projects through selection of social media that support
respectful and responsible relationships between managers and employees. These
social media efforts can then be used not only to facilitate change, but also
to shift organizational culture towards the notion of “open leadership” (BROILLET, et
al., 2013).
Organizational change is
an unavoidable aspect of doing business. There is a large variety
of changes which fit under this umbrella of organizational change.
Any of these types of changes could result in catastrophic
consequences if the changes are not successfully administered.
Effective Organizational Change Management procedures must include a system for
managing potential modifications to a variety
of organizational aspects (WINCEK, et al., 2013).
The analysis provides a clear
warning that organizational change is more risky and multifaceted than change
initiators typically assume. Organizational change does not emerge and evolve
in splendid isolation. Stakeholders inside and outside of the organization tend
to be heavily involved before, during and after the change process (FROOMAN,
1999). Organizational change is a major challenge; the literature is full of
contributions outlining the multi-complexity of organizational change endeavors.
Organizational change aiming at
adjusting the organization to environmental changes may be consistent with the
organization’s identity, rather than being in conflict with it. Changes that
are consistent with the organizational identity will be easier and bear less
opportunity costs than changes that are in conflict with the organization’s identity
(JACOBS, et al., 2013).
Participative management in
enterprises involves issues related to human relations and in business
development and productivity and efficiency. Both corporate executives as
employees of large businesses say participative management as a very valid
option for management processes. The reasons why companies and organizations
are interested in for this type of management are: the search results;
humanistic considerations, concern for the 'inner life of the company’; needs
direction, and the need for change (SILVA, et al., 2007).
Participative management is also
known as participative management. Participative management, started the
"Toyota Motor Company", is an important instrument for achieving
results in all areas of business, mainly in the production in which, in most
cases, there is a great desire to participate in the solution by employees as
well as being a great learning tool for them (OHNO, 1997) .
By implementing participative
management, it is important to know that there will often be conflicting
interests, who are being openly explained, which will clarify the conflict
between the areas of the company. However, this conflict is beneficial to
define the real root cause and eliminate it (OHNO, 1997).
There are some practices such as
Quality Control Circles and Groups semiautonomous leading the developer to
rethink their work. This opens up a new worker for the opportunity to
participate, as to reflect on the task acquire greater control of their work
and there may be a redistribution of power (PREDEBON; SOUSA, 2003).
The continuous change of the
internal and external environment of a company requires its employees to modify
not only the routine work but also social practices, such as the relationship
with managers. To cope with the daily challenge of real time adaptation,
selectively retain employees arising effective elements of their routine daily
work and integrates them with more efficient than the first (JOHNS, 1991) new
Still according to the same
reference, as a result, employees often experience difficulties and tensions
while maintaining a priori levels of performance while adapting to newly
requests. To mitigate tensions and facilitate the desired effective
performance, managers must display appropriate leadership behavior.
The context of frequent change
generates more demand for quality relationships between leaders and employees,
which results in higher levels of performance. To quickly respond to changes,
organizations should incorporate flexible behavior in managing their human
resources. Such flexibility refers to the ability of employees to exhibit a
variety of behavior under different circumstances. For a flexible behavior the
organization should encourage their employees to go beyond prescribed by
working with other members of his team and other employees (SHIM; STEERS, 2012)
Moreover, due to the change is
necessary in environments characterized by economic instability, changing
market demand and technological advances, organizations must have the condition
to prepare their managers for this. So, the best is to conduct focused training
elements that may encourage managers in turbulent contexts (INGERSOLL, et al.,
Leadership style also consolidates
itself as an important aspect in managing people. In this context, Shim and
Steers (2012) classifies the organizational culture and leadership in symmetric
and asymmetric. The culture is symmetrical one in which the stability and
predictability are taken as standards, that is, a culture, balanced leaders.
Unlike in the asymmetric culture, dominated by uncertainty and flexibility, the
organization is always “on the edge”. The behavior of top management influences
the performance of the organizational culture.
Individuals can belong to many
cultural groups and have several cultural identities that influence their value
system, so a cultural group cannot be considered homogeneous in the sense that
all members of the group think and act alike. Despite these differences,
commonalities among the members of a cultural group are based on shared values.
The complexity of the organizational culture concept is also underscored by the
fact that an organization comprises many work group cultures that themselves
comprise members of multiple national cultures (SCHMIEDEL, et. al, 2014).
The attribution of the term culture,
to an organization, is relatively recent. The term organizational culture
appeared first in the English literature in 1960, as a synonym of clime. The
equivalent of "corporate culture", used in the 1970s, gained
popularity after the publication of the book with the same title, Terrence Deal
and Allan Kennedy, in 1982. Since then, the specific technical literature has
used the term (PIRES; MACÊDO, 2006).
Organizational culture is the
pattern of shared basic assumptions - invented, discovered, or developed by a
given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal
integration - that has worked well enough to be considered valid and,
therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think,
and feel in relation to those problems (SCHEIN, 1985a).
Cultural change does not only occur
due to environmental changes, but due to management action, as they are the
individuals that define new strategic directions and courses of business from
paradigms. Difficulties can arise when the environmental changes are not
aligned with the social and cultural patterns of political organization (VASCONCELOS,
In this case, change is the effort
to change existing forms of cognition and action, so as to enable the
organization to adapt to environmental conditions and take advantage of
opportunities arising. It is the constant reintegration of reality and the
definition of meanings that are shared by all within an organizational group,
corresponding to the dominant management paradigm or vision (GIOIA; CHITIPEDDI,
1991) common vision.
Study Case
The results
of the studies surveyed are presented in this section. At the end, an analysis
of the results achieved in each company as well as their relation with the
topic addressed is presented.
According to Health Foundation
(2010) Hospital Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center is one of learning centers
located Harvard Medical School in Boston and recognized for excellence in
patient care, medical research, teaching and community service.
The BIDMC was created in 1996 through
a merger of Beth Israel and Deaconess Hospitals. As the hospital industry is a
competitive business in Boston, the merger had a strategic direction since the
resulting institution has become large enough to compete. But with the merger
came some problems.
The BIDMC despite being large in
structural terms, it was not so in terms of efficiency. While the hospital Beth
Israel had a casual management style which emphasized on professional autonomy
and creativity, the other by contrast, had a top-down management and
rules-based. This culture clash has led many officials asked dismissal.
In 2002, the BIDMIC entered into
financial meltdown, with the verge of being sold. Thus, the board decided to
hire Paul Levy who was chief executive of directors of Harvard Medical School.
Levy hired a consulting firm specializing in the healthcare industry, the
Hunter Group, to conduct a diagnosis of the real situation of the company in
financial and managerial terms. The Hunter Group presented a report with all
the questions that needed to be improved, among which are:
The hospital was losing $ 50 million per year. Thus,
it was necessary to focus on short-term actions to ensure the survival of the
Lack of investment in efficiency improvements to
improve quality of service.
The focus was only on clinical practice and not the
integration of administrative bodies.
Cultural shock between the two hospitals, lined the
lack of teamwork and hand -intensive training.
Difficulty in cost rationalization.
Inability to execute plans.
In adaptation to the new conditions of health and
significant demands on technical infrastructure.
Based on the report of the
consultancy Hunter Group, the new president, Paul Levy, built an organizational
restructuring plan which prioritized the following items:
• Cultural change.
For this item the following actions
were taken:
Sending formal email to employees for Levy to make
them aware of the process of organizational change. This email the positives of
BIDMIC were highlighted, the high possibility of it being sold, the new
leadership style of the presidency,
Creation of a communication channel between the
president and employees. Through this channel developers could make
compliments, complaints and suggest improvements.
Adoption of a new management style: open high- contact
Explanation of the new current plan differed from
those adopted previously.
Adoption of a policy of employee involvement in the
change process.
Definition of new guidelines for interpersonal
behavior within the company, for example, rules for meetings.
Transparent Policy
Submission of the final report of the consultancy
Hunter Group to all employees via - email.
Reiteration of the main points of the restructuring
plan periodically by email to reviewers.
Managing for results, high contact and participatory
The change process was monitored by indicators. The
monitoring was carried out over an area. The whole purpose of the restructuring
plan was measurable.
The results achieved were valued. So emails with
compliments to employees related to that result were sent by Levy himself.
The progress of the hospital established goals were
documented in the corporate site for all to see quarterly.
Conducting diagnosis of previous restructuring plans
in order to highlight their shortcomings and interpretations of what went
Focus on quality and safety of services provided
Systematization and quantification of goals to be
Use of historical data to prioritize actions data.
The results achieved in the actions
taken to achieve the proposed objectives are described below.
The BIDMIC won the honorable mention of the
Massachusetts Senate in 2008, which highlighted the “unprecedented leadership
in quality of care and patient safety”.
The communication channel created to receive
suggestions for improvements received 300 suggestions in a month.
In late 2004, two years of management Paul Levy, the
BIDMIC went from a situation of loss of $ 58 million for a neutral situation.
In addition, net revenues reached $ 37 million 4.
Decrease in staff turnover from 15% to 3 % in two
Vasconcelos (1993) is a
multinational corporation headquartered in Brazil. This case refers to the year
1991. This year, the Brazilian subsidiary had declining sales and not grown in
terms of net revenue. The various branches spread on Brazilian soil totaled
5,000 employees.
In 1991, IBM pointed to the need for
a cultural change their Brazilian subsidiaries, because despite being a market
leader, the company has developed a complex organizational culture due to the
diversity of employees in terms of several variables, such as age. In addition,
other problems were assumed: difficulty managing a large enterprise, massive
internal bureaucracy and resistance to change by employees. Therefore, the company
has structured a plan to bolster the cultural change identified as necessary to
leverage the company's growth again.
This plan presented a set of actions
to be performed by IBM to bolster its cultural change so that the company could
flexibility, quick reaction to market changes, achieve growth in sales, profit,
and return on investment, increased cash flow, satisfaction customer, quality
and increased employee morale. The three pillars of organizational change and
their actions are described below.
Cultural Change
Definition of new pillars of IBM culture: respect for
the individual, policy of “open doors” program and “speak frankly”.
In the "open door” policy
officials who feel wronged by their immediate superiors were encouraged to
report the matter to their immediate superiors. Program “Speak Freely "
encourages the reporting of complaints and questions anonymously by employees.
Posting of signs strategic bases with IBM culture in
all rooms.
Promoting participatory management of human resources.
To spread the new culture in the company were created
awards and symbols of quality, and conduct internal intranet publications about
the new quality policy and management style.
It created the policy of revitalization or early
retirement benefits in order to break the resistance to change and to promote
access for persons with motivation to change the positions of power and
Offer psychological support and coaching for success
in changing attitudes of employees across the commitment and participation.
Focus on quality
Established a new quality policy called Market Driven
Quality in which valued the pursuit of excellence, i.e., the best way to
perform the job in relation to current and providing the best customer service.
Performance evaluation for all areas based on the
objectives of the quality policy.
Organizing courses and special training where
employees are sensitized about the new quality policy, i.e., establish a
culture of quality.
Conducting analysis groups the tasks performed with a
focus on continuous improvement whose objective was the reduction of the causes
of non-quality.
Change management organization
Development of a mechanistic model for organic
Subdivision of the company in thirteen subareas with
autonomy in order to decentralize strategic decisions for the business units
and geographical units and also to put the employee in the division where he
Mapping of the processes that defined sets of
guidelines and definition of the roles and responsibilities of each subarea.
Established the models of internal contracts and
standards of financial evaluation of business units and geographical units.
Use of reengineering and benchmarking for process
The results of organizational change were conducted by
Obtaining the National Quality Award for its factory
of gestational in 1991.
ISO 9000 in all branches.
Diverging subcultures of reviewers were incorporated,
if not destroyed, in the process of organizational change.
According Gracioso and Ajar (2001)
in the 1990s, due to the need for adequate management of the business to the
market opening, enacted by the Brazilian federal government in this period,
Siemens decided to conduct an internal review process in business Brazil. At
this time Siemens had 10 factories in Brazil, 13 regional sales offices and two
representatives abroad - Paraguay and Bolivia.
The first part of the process,
conducting a diagnosis, indicated aspects that could be improved in the
business structure. These can be highlighted:
The human resources policy that did not arrive
properly to the base of the pyramid of the company;
Different levels of development in the various
business areas;
Little synergy between business areas;
Internal competition between business areas;
Need to adapt the professional profile of occupants of
key positions of business structure.
It was found that the firm needed in
their professional a different set of skills from those found at that time in
its workforce profile in order to bring more competitiveness in the new
situation that drew the Brazilian market in the near future. The company
already had a large contingent of professional graduates, professionally
So, he decided that a change in the
structure of human resources (HR) was required to conduct business in the
behavioral area. For this, some actions were performed under two pillars:
people management and change management model.
People management
Technical analysis of the profile, performance and
behavior of the general staff. For this, we hired a consulting firm
specializing in HR that has developed its own methodology for conducting the
Plans to reviewer’s personal and professional
development in order to adapt their technique to performance management skills
that the new organizational model would require. In addition, courses with an
emphasis on leadership development and focus on teamwork in the pursuit of
better performance of performing the tasks were administered.
Conducting an awareness campaign of the employees of
the intervention processes in organizational culture do not show results
quickly in the short term. For this, placards were posted in the workplace,
sent emails and widely disseminated on the intranet.
Conducting an analysis of the human resources of the
business units by consulting firm through an internal survey of employees.
Furthermore, this research aimed to identify opportunities for improvement of
the market in which Siemens operated in existing human resources policy and
Conducting external benchmarking market.
Change management model
The changes would be implemented by the business
units, given the particularities of each. Thus, cells of organizational changes
formed by professional consulting firm seven employees supported by the head of
the Business Unit were created.
In the business units the following information was
collected: vision of the future of the business unit, organizational climate,
and key competitors and about current and potential customers of that unit.
Points of necessary changes were subdivided into
smaller tasks and part transferred to the stage of implementation within the
business unit. The leader of the Business Unit multiplier was considered a
member of the larger project. The project lasted on average three months.
The process driven change has resulted in the
following changes:
The new HR structure has been consolidated into the
central figure of the RH was maintained and other specific areas have been
created to meet the units, whose goal was to bring the decision level closest
to reviewers.
Increase in the volume of 150 project teams in 4
Hierarchical levels were decreased from 10 to 4.
Siemens won the 1998 National Quality Award in the
telecommunications industry in Brazil.
Increased training and retaining professionals in the
business units.
Indication for three consecutive years by Exam
magazine as one of the Best Companies to Work For.
Siemens has remained at the top of the best companies
in Brazil results in the last five years after the completion of the change process.
According Gracioso (2000), in 2000,
Nissan had a precarious financial health due to successive losses. One of the
solutions was to sell 35 % of its capital to the French Renault. However, the
accumulated debt reached $ 13 billion. Despite productive and high level of
quality plants, Nissan could not keep up the level of innovation of competing
To make a real diagnosis of the
company, 200 were selected Nissan executives. The questions that they should
answer each group in a particular area or sector were: 1. Costs that can be
eliminated? 2. in what areas? 3. How to unify the management of the automaker
around the world? 4. What's wrong with our products? 5. How to integrate with
Renault? 6. What do our customers want?
Some of the problems that Nissan
faced were:
The decision was based on the interest of the people
involved and held by general consensus.
Each department had its own objectives.
Lacked agility in deliveries from the factories.
Top management was performed by conservative
executives, with an attitude of passive resistance.
Several problems with the union on the environment in
the external environment.
Lack of long-term commitment of ¬ officials.
Lack of management for results.
To solve the problems of Nissan an
action plan for driving changes in the organization was established. This plan
was based on prioritization by cutting costs across the company. The plan was
to act on two pillars: structural change and people management.
Structural changes
In size Nissan: Nissan's five factories were closed.
The number of employee: 14 % reduction in the number
of employees for the year 1999.
Consolidation of the same strategic, tactical and
operational for all factories and objectives matrix.
People management
Establishment of a system for promoting employee by
analyzing its performance.
Functional analysis of new positions and restructuring
Construction of a plan to drive the cultural change
needed to focus on agility and innovation. For this, the matrix groups were
held to discuss and implement necessary changes.
Creation of a communication channel for employees to
give suggestions for improvements.
The results achieved by the implementation of the
change plan were:
Reduced costs by 20% for acquisition of raw material,
which corresponded to 60 % of the total costs of the company.
Increase of 3.5% to 5 % of investment in research and
In 2004, the company had net profit and no loss.
In all cases, all plans changes were
successful because they had an efficient and effective leader ahead of the
changes. Furthermore, it is remarkable hierarchy of people management when
there is a need for organizational change. Another important aspect that was
prioritized in all cases was the focus on quality, variable considered by all
businesses as a priority for the effective implementation of change. In
addition, management by results was introduced in all companies, which shows
that performance can be forced by this style of management.
A good leader who actually leads
changes in an organization gives opportunity for every employee to practice the
desired behavior. At the same time, models of new working methods and provides
coaching to employees.
When a company proposes to carry out
an organizational change, effective leader reinforces the new values
explicitly and consistently uses and actions to sustain what is created. The
goal then is to change the way of acting and thinking of employees. During the
process, based on the cases presented, leaders should delegate decisions and
crucial responsibilities. When you have goals set for employees, their
performance should be evaluated with regard to adherence to the new standards
and established processes.
As can be observed, all cases
presented were supported cultural change in their plans for organizational
restructuring. For example, Levy leader BIDMC prepared the cultural soil before
planting the seeds of change. IBM set new pillars for organizational culture.
Siemens prioritized the consolidation of a new model of strategic people
management as a way to adapt the company to the new business model identified
as necessary.
The studied company provides
services in the telecommunications industry for physical and legal persons
including: mobile and fixed telephony, internet and cable TV. The study focused
on the board of information technology that is a unit in support of other
operations. In addition, this department is considered critical for the company
as it supports its main operations. This board is composed of 54 managers and
1100 employees. Much of the development of new solutions is outsourced to other
companies in the information technology industry.
To check which pillar needed to be
prioritized in organizational change to be conducted in this department, there
were unstructured interviews and participant observation. The pillar was
prioritized cultural change, since there is a diversity of cultures and
instability due to the processes of acquisition and merger of other companies
in the same industry. To implement the cultural change was defined a sequence
of critical success factors (CSFs) of your driving in the department. FCS was
defined with some managers:
a) Objectives
and clarified goals: strengthening management in each of the goals and
objectives that the department as a whole wants to achieve.
b) Allocation
of well-defined roles and responsibilities.
c) Constant
and effective communication: because of the diversity of activity and the
various existing cultures, ultimately lacks standardization of the
communication language.
d) Availability
of labor resources in appropriate quantity and quality: make a periodic
assessment of the availability and quality of labor resources to carry out the
routine activities of employees.
During all activities of the process
of cultural change frequent monitoring between what was planned and what was
actually effected will be held. Therefore, it was proposed that a review of
each management board IT and measuring results of the proposed objectives in
terms of evolution of employees and team work is performed. After the
prioritizing the FCS, a diagnosis of the current culture that department was
conducted. The salient features identified at diagnosis were:
Low unit of organizational culture, as has branches
spread across various states.
High turnover of employees, including senior
The organizational climate is characterized by lack of
trust between employees and senior management.
Focus on results that influence varied remuneration
for senior management. This prevents you from focusing on actions that result
in improvements in long term.
Lack of integration of the areas of the department,
resulting in a lack of integration between departments, rework and inefficiency
in the use of resources.
The professional development plan depends on the
initiative of each manager.
Control over the human capacity in terms of time and
qualification depends on individual efforts.
Based on the diagnosis,
brainstorming with HR and IT in the surveyed cases, some actions are proposed
to leverage the uniformity of culture and elevation of the organizational
climate. The actions are described below.
Mapping of human resource capacity in terms of
qualifications, skills, experience and daily workload in hours.
Hierarchy of human resource management within the IT
department. Thus, HR can participate in the awareness of senior management to
drive organizational change.
Creation of professional and personal development for
employees of the areas up, so that each manager to lead this initiative.
Analysis and stratification of the data collected in
the last organizational climate survey conducted within the department. Each
manager should conduct a joint analysis with employees of the data generated in
the research.
Planning and management of driving time in each run
for the definition of new hires.
Creation of a formal communication channel suggestions
from staff and senior management.
Mapping the value chain of IT managers with the aim of
identifying the interface between areas, the macro processes and key
deliverables in order to create a book compiled available to all employees.
Executive coaching with success stories in management.
Construction of training and retraining of employees
lined the feasibility budget for its implementation.
Formulation of the high level of participation in the
leadership of cultural change campaign.
Promotion of participatory management so that
employees can actively participate in organizational change agent and
facilitator of process improvements.
Creating plan recognition for teams, managers and
Creation of mandatory monthly meeting between manager
and employee.
A receptive environment, employees
not only understand why the changes are necessary, but engage with the process
and faithfully executes the steps required, favoring the strategic positioning
of the company. When there is management focused on results, employees have an
incentive to engage in the new culture imposed.
For an organizational change, and
especially for the construction of a new culture, the immediate negative
feedback to reviewers, both positive and is indispensable. The cases also
showed that it is possible to cut costs without harming the “core business “of
the company. For future work is suggested to conduct the same methodology used
to conduct a case study in another company in the telecommunication sector, in
order to validate the action plan. It is noteworthy that the action plan is
being implemented in the company and that the results have not yet been
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