Elielton de Amorim Coelho

Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco (Univasf), Brazil

E-mail: elielton.amorim@yahoo.com.br


Platini Gomes Fonseca

Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Brazil

E-mail: platinifonseca@hotmail.com


Emmanuelle Fonseca Marinho de Anias Daltro

Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Brazil

E-mail: lelledaltro@msn.com


Submission: 5/3/2019

Revision: 5/21/2019

Accept: 6/11/2019



The organizational mission is an important tool to support the management of an organization. This article aims to analyze the elaboration of the organizational missions of the Secretariats of Public Security (SSPs) of the Brazilian states, based on the elements proposed by Pearce (1982) and Pearce and David (1987). For this, the data were treated quantitatively, and soon after an analysis was made on the effectiveness of the construction of the missions, based on the criteria established by the cited authors. As a result, the elements "Product or service offered" and "Audience" were found more frequently. In the comparative analysis of the SSP mission by region of the country, two points stand out: first, the South region is the one that the missions present more elements indicated in the literature; second that the state that presented more elements was "Maranhão" located in the Northeast region.

Keywords: Organizational Mission, Secretariat of Public Security, SSP's.


            Brazil is composed of 26 states, plus the Federal District. These states are also denominated units of the Federation or federative units. The states are reunited in regions that are: North, Northeast, Midwest, Southeast, and South (FRANCISCO, 2019).

            Because it is such a large country, there must be sound management of public security secretariats (SSP). To do this effectively we need to evaluate the strategic management of SSP’s. For this, it is imperative to know the institutional missions of these organizations, since the organizational mission, as a component of strategic planning, can reveal much about the institution and its management form - if built in a way that allows its effectiveness.

            The mission is a purpose, it is the reason for the existence of an Organization. It is a generic, but long-lasting, purpose that is intended to serve as a basis for a long time, even though some modifications may be made over the next few years. Defining the mission and other elements of Organizational Identity is important, especially as an organization has several stakeholders who need to know and be aligned with the purpose of the Organization to know what to expect.

            The mission is an essential part of "strategic thinking". A good "Mission Statement" takes into account the client's vision, their needs so that they seek the complete satisfaction of the parties involved and thus achieve an increasing institutional growth. The mission should be short, inspiring and easy to understand, to give a clear idea of ​​the procedures and behaviors expected. (TEXEIRA, 2012).

            Caixeta (2014) says that the mission shows the reason the corporation exists since it directs which sector, which target public and what social segment the institution intends to impact, that is, the mission is the instrument that maintains and directs the focus on the product or service offered by the company.

            In the study of the Organizational Mission, it is necessary to list its status quo, by analyzing its aspects and elements, thus promoting the insertion of these elements and aspects into the organizations' mission statements (FUGAZZOTTO, 2009; FREITAS et al., 2019).

            This work makes a different assessment, with data on the missions of SSP` s Brazilian states. In this sense, the missions do not seek a profitability return to profitability as in other private organizations, but effectiveness in the sense of social peace and security for the population, seeking to protect mainly the right to come and go of the citizen of good, Federal Constitution of Brazil of 1988 in art.5º.

            The Atlas of violence 2018, taking as 2016 data reference in Brazil, showed alarming data because, according to the Institute of Applied Economic Research - IPEA and the Brazilian Forum on Public Security - FBSP for the first time in history, the number of homicides in Brazil surpassed the house of 60,000 in one year. (SALGADO, 2018).

            Also according to the same author, these data of murders committed in the country in 2016 puts Brazil at a level 30 times higher than that of Europe. In the last decade alone, 553,000 Brazilians lost their lives by a violent death, that is, an average of 153 deaths per day, equivalent to the fall of a Boeing 737 packed daily. Of these data, 56.5% of deaths among Brazilians aged 15 to 19 years were violent deaths. (SALGADO, 2018).

            With these high indexes, an analysis was made about the construction of the organizational mission of the public security secretariats of the Brazilian states, in order to analyze if there are failures, thus influencing these alarming facts. In this sense, the problem of the present research focuses on the following question: What aspects are considered when elaborating the organizational mission of the Secretariats of Public Security (SSP) of the Brazilian states?

            Given the problem, in this paper, we analyze the construction of the mission statements of the Public Security Secretariats of all Brazilian states and the Federal District, according to criteria developed by Pearce (1982), Pearce and David (1987). Work did, as an example, by Freitas et al (2019), that analyze the institutional mission of the Federal Institutes.

            These authors were chosen to formulate the research due to the large number of published articles following the same theme. It is also worth mentioning that the authors make it clear that a good construction of the organizational mission can help in the execution of the organizational objectives.


            The concepts of public security in Brazil and organizational mission were chosen as concepts for object analysis. These two points can contribute to mission analysis and check the best way to build an organizational goal.

            Fischmann and Almeida (2007) affirm that strategic planning is an administrative technique that allows the company to identify its strengths and weaknesses in its organizational mission. In addition, it also allows you to evaluate the opportunities and threats, resulting in the decision of the path that the organization should follow. This choice also defines the idea of ​​the researchers of the present article as to the importance of a good elaboration of the organizational mission.

2.1.          Public Safety in Brazil

            The Federal Constitution of 1988 determined that public security consists of any administrative organization that aims to defend and preserve the political order, only ­ (BRAZIL, 1988 ). In this way, guaranteeing citizens public safety is a duty of the State, obligations pertaining to national defense and public security bodies, indispensable for ensuring the safety of people and public and private assets; the state and democratic institutions; law, order and justice; and national sovereignty ( BRAZIL, 1988; ANGELS, 2017 )

            The Federal Constitution of 1988 attributed to the states the duty of public security, conferring on the police institutions their exercise, but stated that it is the responsibility of all. However, the integration of public safety is something to be considered and discussed, involving objective, subjective, determinable and diffuse, local and general elements (SILVA, 2010).

            Public security policies in Brazil have, as a rule, been thought of and implemented in a fragmented and unplanned way. In the resumption of democratic order, in the late 1980s, unlike other rights endorsed and reformulated by the Constitution, the right to security and order, as well as the organizational structure that should guarantee them, was restricted to the listing of some police organizations linked to the "defense of the State and democratic institutions", passing over the citizen characteristic attributed to the other spheres of Brazilian social life that was beginning to be reconfigured (BALLESTEROS, 2014).

            Police and criminal justice institutions have not experienced significant reforms in their structures. For public security, the effect of this position can be seen in the non-regulation of article 23 of the Federal Constitution, which deals with the concurrent attributions between the entities of the Federation, or paragraphs 7 and 8 of article 144, which provides for mandates and institutions responsible for providing public security. The absence of rules regulating the functions and relations of the federal and state police, and even of the civil and military police, produces in Brazil a framework of several systems for solving similar problems of security and violence, without, however, achieving great advances in much of the national territory (LIMA et al., 2016).

            The constitutional limitation with regard to public safety is seen by many authors as a result of the trauma created in relation to the subject, due to the violations and arbitrariness committed during the lead years (BALLESTEROS, 2014).

            Population growth in the last decades has increased significantly, due, for example, to the increase in grapevine expectation. This factor directly influences public security, since there is a concentration in urban centers, generating a huge demand for housing, educational, labor and health, and public safety policies. Cluttered growth implies an increase in peripheral populations that, without a structure and without the prospect of growth or opportunity, end up going to the side of unlawfulness.

            The climate of insecurity diffused in society makes it impossible to construct creative alternatives to deal with the problem of negative expectations. The culture of fear leads people to believe that they will always be the next victim, and the state, or on its own initiative, must take immediate action, either by shielding cars, by locking windows, by implementing electronic monitoring, or by promoting policies of restricting fundamental rights (Page 6).

            In 2004, the social cost of violence in Brazil was of the order of R $ 92.2 billion or R $ 519.40 per inhabitant, which corresponds to 5.09% of the Brazilian GDP. In the process of producing public security policies, the search for efficiency in the use of scarce public resources should be an important factor (GALDINO et al . , 2015).

            In Brazil, citizens experience in daily life a sense of crisis in the security policy Public ca. If a series of street killings scare city dwellers, ostentatious policing actions are sometimes completed with deaths of suspects and civilians not involved in conflicts. On the other hand, movements of protests by residents of the periphery also draw attention to the deaths of innocent youths executed by police officers (NORONHA, 2013 )

            Within this scenario, it is seen that the Secretariats of Public Security have a greater challenge to maintain order and safety in the population, so it is necessary to have a good organizational structure to achieve good effect of the functions.

2.2.          The Institutional Mission

            The institutional mission of an organization shows the organization's culture, expressing its values, beliefs, and objectives that guide its way of standing with society and other stakeholders (FREITAS et al., 2019). With this, it is noted that the institutional mission has fundamental importance in an organization, since it is the reflection of what it must execute. Thus, it can be said that the mission guides an organization, aiming at the goals. In this sense, it is important that the mission of the organization be well formulated.

            In this way, Pearce (1982) presents the following elements, necessary, so that an institutional mission can be considered effective: (1) Product or service offered; (2) Target audience; (3) The technology used in the production of the service; (4) Survival, growth and profitability; (5) Organizational philosophy; (6) The public image; and (7) The proper concept of the organization; image transmitted to those affiliated with it.

            Pearce and David have created an eighth element, "Geographical domain of the organization", which has an important analogy with the research segment, and is composed largely of similar research, showing that this topic has great relevance because it deals with Public Security. (PEARCE; DAVID, 1987).

            According to Pearce (1982), the institutional mission is characterized as a tool to support strategic management, when it objectively presents elements that can be measured and evaluated periodically (FREITAS et al, 2019).

            Wright (2007) found in a study that public servants are more motivated to work when they have challenging, clearly understood tasks that they believe are important and achievable (Figure 1). Another influence comes from the valence of the mission, that is, the intrinsic value that the employees perceive in the institutional mission. This is because the mission increases the importance of the task to be performed. The availability of extrinsic performance-related rewards has a significant influence on the degree of importance that employees attach to their jobs. However, this influence was less than that attributed to intrinsic rewards from the institutional mission.

Figure 1: Work motivation model in the Wright public sector (2007)

            The institutional mission implies impacts and reflexes in the organization relating to the purposes and benefits that it presents. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze to what extent the definition of organizational mission is, in fact, concrete as a support tool in the strategic management of a company (ARAÚJO et al., 2018).

            For the proper functioning of a mission, among other things, good planning is necessary. This is a method of ordering activities that aim to achieve previously established goals to reach the desired future (RIZZATI et al. , 2012). It is a study aimed at analyzing the future possibilities arising from some act or effect of the mission in question, minimizing the negative effects (LUNKES; SCHNORRENBERGER, 2009). Therefore, with good planning, it is possible to predict results that are incompatible with the actual mission objective, and thus opt for another possible alternative that can produce a more satisfactory result (OSSANES et al ., 2015).

            The institutional identity must be built based on its mission, which defines the goal to be achieved by the organization, and from which the goals to be fulfilled are defined. The definition of the misstatement may lead to a misinterpretation of the tasks to be performed by the institution. In this way, one must understand the real focus of action to, then define the mission, thus ensuring its effectiveness.


            The methodological procedures of this research followed the path followed by the authors Freitas et al (2019) but with some adjustments. The base article was taken as a reference to the analysis of the missions of the Federal Institutes and the present article did a similar research, using the same authors as a source of quantification of the collected data, but with a differentiation of the data, and analyzing the missions of the Public Security Offices of the country.

            In this article a survey was made, through a systematic review of the sites of the Secretariats of Public Security, which approaches the survey survey survey proposed by the author Bryman (1989). Although the data are informative, the treatment and analysis of the data was quantitative, seeking to identify elements proposed by the conceptual analysis model.

            A quantitative research was done through the collection of data from the Public Safety sites, since it describes the characteristics of a designated population, transforming the organizational mission statements into numbers through parameters for data analysis, verifying that the elaboration of the Mission was carried out according to pre - -established by Pearce (1982), Pearce and David (1987).

            For Vergara (2000) the descriptive research exposes the characteristics of a certain population or phenomenon, establishes correlations between variables and defines its nature. Still for the same author, the descriptive research is not committed to explain the phenomena it describes, although it serves as the basis for such an explanation..

3.1.          Population and Sample

            The study population was the 26 states of Brazil, plus the Federal District. However, in some states, it was not possible to conduct the research, since the organizational mission information was not available during the survey. It is likely that this information is not in the public domain and therefore there is no way to verify the mission statement.

            Table 1 shows the regions of study at work. It is observed that in the central-west and southeast all states contain information about the missions, while in the North it was not possible to find data for the states of Rondônia and Roraima; in the same way that the information was not found for the Paraíba state in the Northeast and for Santa Catarina in the South.

Table 1: States evaluated.





























Source: survey data

3.2.          Data Collection and Analysis Procedures

            In order to carry out the research, a secondary source was used, which deals with the collection of data that have already been published, that is, information that is open to the public. The author Cunha (2008) classifies the "secondary source" as a document that contains information on primary information is arranged according to a definitive plan . It also says that it is a document that informs the primary or original sources. (CUNHA, 2008).

            Thus, they collected the Organizational missions on the websites of SSP` s for analysis thereof with the criteria established by Pearce (1982) and Pearce and David (1987). Noting that the research was limited to the analysis of the organizational mission, not including vision and values.

            To perform the tabulation of data, the classification was performed with eight elements proposed by the authors. F oi made a thorough reading of the missions and used Microsoft's "Excel 2016" software for data classification. The average mission per region was also performed. This average was obtained by the number of the missions in the region divided by the number of states in which the respective missions information was acquired. 

            Thus, the discussions of the results were carried out according to the criteria established by Pearce (1982) and Pearce and David (1987) in conjunction with the individual analysis of each mission. Therefore, from this analysis were built the discussions of the results.

4.       RESULTS

            After tabulating the Missions of 23 states found in the research, we sought to locate the existence or not of the eight elements proposed by Pearce (1982) and Pearce and David (1987) in each one of the missions. Next, it was divided by regions allowing regional comparisons and analyzing if there is effectiveness in the construction of each organizational mission.

            In the analysis of the results, the data were evaluated following the seven criteria proposed by Pearce (1982) and another "Geographical Domain" by Pearce and David (1987) from stratification by regionality, similar to the study developed by Freitas et al (2019 ), but with the context of the research focused on the security of the Brazilian states. It is worth noting that, since these are public secretariats, there is no evaluation in the financial area, that is, the element that deals with survival and profitability was not considered in this present research, for analysis purposes.

            The analyses were stratified by regions of Brazil (north, northeast, center-west, southeast, and south). In this context, a comparative analysis is presented mainly of the northeast region to the others. For a better understanding of the results, Table 02 shows the organizational mission of the Secretariats of Public Security for each state.

Table 2: The organizational mission of the Secretariats of Public Security in the States of Brazil.




Provide effective support to State Public Security.


Coordinate, supervise, monitor and evaluate the actions of the organs that are part of the System, aiming to guarantee the preservation of public order, maintaining the rights of people and assets, ensuring   integrity and security of the citizen.



Promoting social protection and improving the quality of life of the population by ensuring a true state of safety and satisfaction for the provision of its services, through preventive and repressive actions, with community participation, with the continuous training of all employees and with a humanized care.



Reducing crime in the state, combating border crime, such as environmental crimes, trafficking in persons, drugs and weapons, illegal mining, and disregard of border limits



Plan and execute public policies in the area of ​​public security, investigating and enforcing judicial decisions, promoting citizenship and respect for human rights.





Promote, defend and guarantee the human rights of the people of Maranhão, especially the most vulnerable sectors . Aiming that the human rights, human development and popular participation policies structured and consolidated in the State of Maranhão, become a reference among the units of the federation. Exalting the following values: respect for diversity; democracy; transversality and intersectorality : transparency, cooperation and solidarity; universality; social justice; defense of human dignity.



Protecting society against any claims, as it is in the dimension, or in the perspective of temporality, disasters avoid any purely rational speculation capable of reaching only the sphere of normality, being situated, in the plane of adversity, a field that absorbs, including , catastrophes.



To ensure public order and the security of persons and property, coordinating, controlling and integrating the actions of the Civil Police of Ceará, the Military Police of Ceará, the Military Fire Brigade of Ceará, the Forensic Expertise of the State of Ceará and the Academy State of Public Security.


Rio Grande do Norte

Promoting public safety, everyone knows, is a duty of the State, as well as the right and responsibility of all citizens who compose it, as established in Article 144 of the Federal Constitution.



Article 144 - Public security, duty of the State, right and responsibility of all, is exercised for the preservation of public order and the safety of persons and property, through the following organs:

V - Military police and military fire brigades.


Preserve public order and the safety of people and property.



Promote the security of the population and ensure social peace through the integrated management of the Public Security System of the State of Alagoas, respecting the attributions of each of its institutions, valuing its employees and bringing the community closer to the public security forces.



Promote public security actions aimed at preventing and neutralizing acts and behaviors that produce violence and crime and limit the freedom of people throughout the Sergipe territory.





Mato Grosso


To promote the integrated management of public security, through actions of ostensive prevention and qualified repression, necessary for the maintenance, preservation and restoration of public order in the State of Mato Grosso.


Mato Grosso do Sul

Promote public safety  



Promote public security and social defense in an integrated way, contributing to social pacification in Goian territory.


Distrito Federal

To provide the Secretariat of Public Security and Social Peace with the technological means to achieve the goals, guidelines and objectives established for the public security of the Federal District.





Rio de Janeiro


Plan and manage the public security policy of the   Rio de Janeiro state


Sao Paulo

To be the spokesperson of the population about the irregular acts practiced by the Civil, Military and Technical-Scientific police.


Minas Gerais

To promote the efficient management of the Prison System, creating ideal conditions of security in the prisons and acting in the resocialization of individuals deprived of their liberty


Espírito Santo

Promote, ostensible policing and preservation of public order in the State of Espírito Santo.



Santa Catarina  

With quality and transparency to produce knowledge in public safety, through analysis, studies and multisectorial research , aiming to advise the strategic decision making and the management process by goals and results, also contributing in its area for the promotion of doctrine and the dissemination of culture.


Rio Grande do Sul

Preserve public order, guaranteeing the fundamental rights of the person, through policies of control of crime and violence, integrated with the community and other instances of public power, contributing to social development and improvement of the quality of life in the State of Rio Great Southern.


Source: survey data

            It should be noted that the states not listed in table 2 are because the missions of their SSPs were not found.

4.1.          Analysis of the Mission of SSPs by Region of the Country.

            Initially, the analysis for the North region is presented. For this region, seven secretariats. Adopting the procedure indicated in item 3.2, it was not possible to obtain the mission statement of the Secretariats of Rondônia and Roraima, because the data were not found in the present research.

            Thus, based on the criteria of Pearce (1982) and Pearce and David (1987), it was observed that the Secretariats of Public Security in the northern region have one to four elements.

            According to the pre-defined elements of the research, these secretariats do not have a fully effective institutional mission, since they do not include the eight elements necessary for a mission to be considered as fully effective.

            The elements most adopted by these institutions refer to " The proper concept of the organization " with four frequencies, " Product or service offered " and " Organizational philosophy " with three. However, it is worth mentioning that even those elements having a higher frequency did not have satisfactory results since a maximum of four secretariats appeared since the universe of this region would be seven secretaries. It is worth noting that the secretariats of two states (Rondônia and Roraima) were not found and, therefore, it was not possible to participate in the research, as evidenced in Table 3.

            The North region, although not very effective in the missions, presents an average of 3.4 elements per State. It is worth noting that one of the points that had the lowest frequency was " The technology used in the production of the service ", since it was informed only in the state of Acre, and this criterion is very important to define and help with more clarity the effective accomplishment of the mission.

Table 3: Evaluation of the elements of the missions of the States of the Northern region of Brazil.











Product or service offered










Target Audience










The technology used to produce the service










Survival, growth and profitability










The Organizational Philosophy










The public image










The concept of the organization itself










Geographical Domain




















A*: Amazonas; B*: Para; C *: Acre; D *: Rondônia; E *: Roraima; F *: Amapá; G *: Tocantins.

Source: survey data

            In the Midwest region were surveyed four secretaries In this region it was possible to analyze all the states, although in this region the missions are infrequently in the elements established by Pearce (1982) and Pearce and David (1987). All the secretaries of the states obtained frequency in the element "Product or service offered", in contrast, this region only obtained frequencies in four of the eight elements proposed by the authors, evidencing that the declarations of mission of the secretariats of that region are a little distant of the average satisfactory necessary to achieve 100% effectiveness in its construction. Among the elements that do not present frequency is the "Public image", since, because they are public secretariats, it is fundamentally important to have such an element in the mission. The data discussed are shown in table 4.

Table 4: Evaluation of the elements of the missions of the States of the Central-West region of Brazil.





D *



Product or service offered







Target Audience







The technology used to produce the service







Survival, growth and profitability







The Organizational Philosophy







The public image







The concept of the organization itself







Geographical Domain














A*: Mato Grosso; B*: Mato Grosso do Sul; C*: Goiás; D*: Distrito Federal.

Source: survey data

            Among the secretariats in this region, the one with the worst mission effectiveness’ construction is the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, which presents only one of the eight criteria established in the research. It is worth mentioning that the other states are also not very effective in the missions, because the secretariat that presents the best result is that of the Federal District, presenting only four elements.

            In the Southeastern region, the institutional mission of four secretariats was researched; in all these missions were in the public domain during the research. However, the missions declared have little effectiveness in its construction according to the criteria established by Pearce (1982) and Pearce and David (1987), since they do not have four of the eight established criteria, this fact can be a serious problem in the management of the secretariats.

Table 5: Evaluation of the elements of the missions of the states of the Southeast region of Brazil.





D *



Product or service offered







Target Audience







The technology used to produce the service







Survival, growth and profitability







The Organizational Philosophy







The public image







The concept of the organization itself







Geographical Domain














A *: Rio de Janeiro; B *: São Paulo ; C *: Minas Gerais ; D *: Espírito Santo.

Source: survey data

            Of the evaluated elements who have most often are "product or service offered" and "Target". It is worth mentioning that the two of the four states present frequency in the two elements, these states are Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo. One of the main problems detected is that, like the Midwest, none of the secretariats present frequency in the element "Public image". It is worth mentioning that the Southeast and Center-West regions obtained equal frequencies of the missions collected, with results of 2.75 frequency per State.

            In the southern region the Santa Catarina state secretary did not participate in the analysis of the research, since the mission statement of the state was not found, and may not be in the public domain. Those of Paraná and the Rio Grande do Sul obtained relative effectiveness construction since in the missions of the same five of the eight elements were identified, being one of the eight elements was disregarded of the analysis. Among the most relevant information, it is important to note that the state of Rio Grande do Sul presented frequency in the element "Public Target", which deals with public safety is an element of fundamental importance.

Table 6: Evaluation of the elements of the missions of the States of the southern region of Brazil. 







Product or service offered






Target Audience






The technology used to produce the service






Survival, growth and profitability






The Organizational Philosophy






The public image






The concept of the organization itself






Geographical Domain












A*: Paraná; B*: Santa Catarina; C*: Rio Grande do Sul.

Source: survey data

            The South region obtained the highest average between the frequency of the elements in the missions, with an average of 5 per State. However, it is worth mentioning that the research universe in this region was small, with two states analysis. However, it is observed that there is a relative attendance in the elaboration of the Missions in this region, since a well elaborated mission assists in the planning, also helps in a good elaboration of strategy, among other factors..

            In the Northeast region, the mission of the Paraíba state was not found. This region is the largest, with a universe of nine states. This region was the only one that obtained one of the states (Maranhão) with six of the eight elements identified in the mission. In general, this region had a frequency in the elements, not only being present in the element " Survival, growth and profitability ", since it was disregarded in the research because it is a non-profit public secretariat. Among the element most frequently between states is the "Target audience". Among the states, those with the lowest effectiveness construction in the missions were Rio Grande do Norte and Bahia, which obtained only two frequencies of the eight elements.

            The state of Maranhão in the Northeast Region was the most frequent state in the established criteria, evidencing a good organizational mission. This directly affects the administrative scope of the organization, making clear the objectives that the institution seeks, allowing to develop more efficient goals and better guiding the principles. However, this does not mean that this state has a better effectiveness in the execution of the mission.

Table 7: Evaluation of the elements of the missions of the region Northeast in Brazil.













Product or service offered












Target Audience












The technology used to produce the service












Survival, growth and profitability












The Organizational Philosophy












The public image












The concept of the organization itself












Geographical Domain
























A*: Maranhão; B*: Piauí; C*: Ceará; D*: Rio Grande do Norte; E*: Paraíba; F*: Pernambuco; G*: Bahia; H*: Alagoas; Y*: Sergipe.

Source: survey data

            In general, the Southern and Northeastern Regions were the most important in the effectiveness construction of the missions, since they present the greatest number of elements according to the analysis of Pearce (1982) and Pearce and David (1987). One can also affirm that the elements are efficient in the verification of missions in an institution, and the only element that did not have representativeness was ' Survival, growth and profitability 'since SSP's are non-profit entities. However, in comparison to the average frequency of elements in the missions of the States, the Northeast region obtained the second best average with 3.63 losing only to the South region

4.2.          Comparative Analysis of the Brazilian SSP Mission

            It can be seen in table 8, in relation to the results already presented, that there was a greater frequency of the " Product or service offered " with a frequency of seventeen since twenty-three missions of the secretariats were analyzed since of four secretaries the declaration was not found of the mission. Among the elements, the "Public image" has one of the lowest frequencies, which within the context of public security secretariats would be one of the most important elements, since it is about public safety.


Table 8. Evaluation of the elements of the missions of the States of Brazil.




Product or service offered



Target Audience



The technology used to produce the service



Survival, growth and profitability



The Organizational Philosophy



The public image



The concept of the organization itself



Geographical Domain



Source: survey data

            We emphasize the low incidence of element technology used in the production of the service, since the research was limited the institutional mission statements, not considering the analysis the vision, values, and principles of the organization, it is believed, contemplate these elements in your design.

            Already in relation to the target audience distance walk which was the second major element in relation to frequency presented in mission statements, it is noteworthy that in the case of SSP's this element is made , it is where you have a direction of the effective for certain regions or better community s for which their services are offered .

            It would also require a greater assignment of the geographical domain, since this element is one of the most important in terms of security in the general sense, and in the research did not have satisfactory results, often less than expected.

5.       5 CONCLUSION

            This article admits that the mission statement, if elaborated, can be considered a management tool of great importance, assisting both in the planning and strategic management of Public Safety Secretariats. However, no correlation between crime rates and good SSPs' missions has been found in the literature or empirical data from exploratory research. However, this diagnosis is important to redirect the Secretariats in the preparation of missions.

            The results show that of the 23 public security bureaus ( SSP's ) surveyed, a large part of them are infrequently of the elements proposed in the research. It should be noted, however, that the secretaries mostly do not pay special attention to the technology used to perform the service, focusing on the commitment to the service offered, but for a better result, both would have to be employed together in order to have results.

            It is also observed that the public image has not received due attention in the declaration of the institutional mission, it is perceptible that this point can be explained in the vision and values, taking into account that the research analyzed only the mission, but according to Pearce (1982) this element has fundamental importance in the mission statement so that it has a good construction.

            Therefore, from the central objective dees research, it is concluded that the SSP` s surveyed, none had the eight elements proposed by the studies that support research. Only one of the 27 secretariats presented a more satisfactory level of results, reaching frequency in six of the eight elements proposed by Pearce (1982) and Pearce and David (1987), thus having a greater effectiveness in the construction of the mission: Maranhão. It was also detected that the Southeast and Center-West regions obtained the worst means of frequency of research elements..

            According to the present research, it is also concluded that the expansion of the institutional mission can facilitate its understanding, since the effectiveness of the mission is independent of its extension, but rather of the clarity with which it is designed and of the way in which the elements are composed to be considered for the mission to be effective.

            The research of this article tries to prove the necessity that the organizational missions are well elaborated, so that they are effectively satisfactory and serve as a support for the strategic management of the secretariats, evidencing that the research is not intended to exhaust the discussions on the subject, but intends to start a discussion about a particular research .

            The research had limitations in that it was not possible to analyze the missions of four states (Rondônia, Roraima, Santa Catarina, and Paraíba ) because they had not found their mission statement. Another point is that in some states, although found, it was more difficult because of the lack of clarity of the sites, thus making limited access to certain information about Public Security Secretariats.

            Finally, it is worth mentioning that the article is only a limited discussion on the efficient construction of organizational mission, according to criteria established by Pearce (1982) and Pearce and David (1987), with frequency analysis in eight elements predefined by the authors, not including the pursuit of the vision, values, and principles of SSPs. For future research, it is possible to study the comparative of these results of the elaboration of effective missions with the indices of public security of the states, in order to detect if this effectiveness of the missions presents in practice improvement in the security indices of certain states.


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